30 Teachings

The Israelites are poised to enter the Promised Land in the book of Numbers but instead find themselves wandering and murmuring in the wilderness. Despite their disobedience, the Lord is still working and establishing them to ultimately accomplish His plans and promise.
# | Title | Book | Date | Media |
m2-072 | Through the Bible | Numbers 1 | Numbers 1 | May 20, 2015 | |
s2-074 | The Nazirite Vow | Numbers 6:1-8 | May 24, 2015 | |
m2-073 | Through the Bible | Numbers 2-4 | Numbers 2-4 | May 27, 2015 | |
s2-075 | The Lord Bless Thee | Numbers 6:24-26 | May 31, 2015 | |
m2-074 | Through the Bible | Numbers 5-7 | Numbers 5-7 | Jun. 3, 2015 | |
s2-076 | When The Trumpet Sounds | Numbers 10:1-10 | Jun. 7, 2015 | |
m2-075 | Through the Bible | Numbers 8-10 | Numbers 8-10 | Jun. 10, 2015 | |
s2-077 | The Dangers of Discontentment | Numbers 11:1-9 | Jun. 14, 2015 | |
m2-076 | Through the Bible | Numbers 11-12 | Numbers 11-12 | Jun. 17, 2015 | |
s2-078 | Unbelief | Numbers 14:1-5 | Jun. 21, 2015 | |
s2-079 | Copy Caleb | Numbers 14:6-25 | Jun. 28, 2015 | |
m2-077 | Through the Bible | Numbers 13-14:19 | Numbers 13:1-33, 14:1-19 | Jul. 1, 2015 | |
s2-080 | The Peril of Presumption | Numbers 14:40-45 | Jul. 5, 2015 | |
m2-078 | Through the Bible | Numbers 14:20-15:41 | Numbers 14:20-45, 15:1-41 | Jul. 8, 2015 | |
s2-081 | The Results of Rebellion | Numbers 16 | Jul. 12, 2015 | |
m2-079 | Through the Bible | Numbers 17-18 | Numbers 17-18 | Jul. 15, 2015 | |
s2-082 | The Rock That Was Smitten | Numbers 20:1-13 | Jul. 19, 2015 | |
m2-080 | Through the Bible | Numbers 19-20 | Numbers 19-20 | Jul. 22, 2015 | |
s2-083 | Look And Live | Numbers 21:4-9 | Jul. 26, 2015 | |
m2-081 | Through the Bible | Numbers 21 | Numbers 21 | Jul. 29, 2015 | |
s2-084 | Balaam's Blunders | Numbers 22-25 | Aug. 2, 2015 | |
m2-082 | Through the Bible | Numbers 22-25 | Numbers 22-25 | Aug. 5, 2015 | |
s2-085 | Don't Lose Your Marbles | Numbers 26 | Aug. 9, 2015 | |
s2-086 | Keeping Your Vows | Numbers 30:1-9 | Aug. 16, 2015 | |
m2-083 | Through the Bible | Numbers 26-30 | Numbers 26-30 | Aug. 19, 2015 | |
s2-087 | Wholly Following The Lord | Numbers 32 | Aug. 22, 2015 | |
s2-088 | Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out | Numbers 32:23 | Aug. 23, 2015 | |
m2-084 | Through the Bible | Numbers 31-32 | Numbers 31-32 | Aug. 26, 2015 | |
s2-089 | Drive 'Em Out | Numbers 34:1-2 | Aug. 30, 2015 | |
m2-085 | Through the Bible | Numbers 33-36 | Numbers 33-36 | Sep. 2, 2015 |