
Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

Genesis 2:24

Congratulations on your upcoming marriage!

At Athey Creek, we believe that the institution of marriage is honorable in the sight of the Lord. With this in mind, we are pleased to be a part of what He is doing in your lives. We desire to be a blessing to you as you plan for this important day.

Who can be mar­ried at ACC?

We believe that mar­riage is an insti­tu­tion sanc­tioned by God, which joins one man and one woman in a sin­gle, exclu­sive union (Gen­e­sis 2:24, Hebrews 13:4).

Any cou­ple inter­est­ed in get­ting mar­ried at ACC must first sub­mit the online appli­ca­tion and meet with one of our pas­tors. Each wed­ding will be prayer­ful­ly con­sid­ered on a case-by-case basis. The ACC pas­tor who meets with you will be able to give you clear­er direc­tion once you have had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet togeth­er. Our Wed­ding Min­istry exists to serve in a vari­ety of ways, name­ly through pre­mar­i­tal coun­sel­ing with an ACC pas­tor and hav­ing an Athey Creek pas­tor offi­ci­ate your off­site wedding.

What Hap­pens Next?

  1. As a cou­ple, you sub­mit the online application.
  2. Our Lead Wed­ding Coor­di­na­tor will con­tact you to sched­ule your ini­tial pre­mar­i­tal appointment. 
  3. You will meet with an ACC pas­tor for your first pre­mar­i­tal appoint­ment. Typ­i­cal­ly, cou­ples will meet with a pas­tor sev­er­al times over the course of their engage­ment to exam­ine what the Bible has to say about mar­riage and how to pre­pare for a new life together. 
  4. After your ini­tial meet­ing, our Lead Wed­ding Coor­di­na­tor will con­tact you to sched­ule the remain­der of your pre­mar­i­tal appointments.
  5. You will be con­nect­ed with a Cer­e­mo­ny Coor­di­na­tor who will assist you with any details per­tain­ing to your cer­e­mo­ny. Your coor­di­na­tor will also direct your wed­ding rehearsal, assist the pas­tor, and facil­i­tate details on the day of your wedding. 

Please note: You will find that our Wed­ding Coor­di­na­tors are a great resource to help your cer­e­mo­ny flow smooth­ly. If an ACC pas­tor is offi­ci­at­ing your wed­ding off­site, an Athey Creek Coor­di­na­tor is required to facil­i­tate your dress rehearsal and direct the order of ceremony. 

Final­ly, the most impor­tant thing is that you have fun and enjoy your time togeth­er. We have wit­nessed the Lord do many great things in mar­riages and are excit­ed to see what the Lord will do in your lives dur­ing this won­der­ful time!