Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
Congratulations on your upcoming marriage!
At Athey Creek, we believe that the institution of marriage is honorable in the sight of the Lord. With this in mind, we are pleased to be a part of what He is doing in your lives. We desire to be a blessing to you as you plan for this important day.
Who can be married at ACC?
We believe that marriage is an institution sanctioned by God, which joins one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union (Genesis 2:24, Hebrews 13:4).
Any couple interested in getting married at ACC must first submit the online application and meet with one of our pastors. Each wedding will be prayerfully considered on a case-by-case basis. The ACC pastor who meets with you will be able to give you clearer direction once you have had the opportunity to meet together. Our Wedding Ministry exists to serve in a variety of ways, namely through premarital counseling with an ACC pastor and having an Athey Creek pastor officiate your offsite wedding.
What Happens Next?
- As a couple, you submit the online application.
- Our Lead Wedding Coordinator will contact you to schedule your initial premarital appointment.
- You will meet with an ACC pastor for your first premarital appointment. Typically, couples will meet with a pastor several times over the course of their engagement to examine what the Bible has to say about marriage and how to prepare for a new life together.
- After your initial meeting, our Lead Wedding Coordinator will contact you to schedule the remainder of your premarital appointments.
- You will be connected with a Ceremony Coordinator who will assist you with any details pertaining to your ceremony. Your coordinator will also direct your wedding rehearsal, assist the pastor, and facilitate details on the day of your wedding.
Please note: You will find that our Wedding Coordinators are a great resource to help your ceremony flow smoothly. If an ACC pastor is officiating your wedding offsite, an Athey Creek Coordinator is required to facilitate your dress rehearsal and direct the order of ceremony.
Finally, the most important thing is that you have fun and enjoy your time together. We have witnessed the Lord do many great things in marriages and are excited to see what the Lord will do in your lives during this wonderful time!