History & Vision

Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28

We want every­thing we do to point to Jesus.

Ear­ly Years

Athey Creek Church start­ed in 1996 when Brett Meador moved to Port­land with his fam­i­ly. After 12 years on staff at Apple­gate Chris­t­ian Fel­low­ship, he sensed God call­ing him to start a church. The fel­low­ship began with a small group of believ­ers who met at Athey Creek Mid­dle School to study through the Bible, verse-by-verse. We con­tin­ued to study through the Word in this way and the church con­tin­ued to grow. When it became obvi­ous that we had out­grown the mid­dle school, the Lord, in His per­fect tim­ing, pro­vid­ed a ware­house build­ing in Wilsonville. A short five years lat­er, we moved into a build­ing of our own in West Linn.


From the start, the vision for ACC has been clear and focused: We want every­thing we do to point to Jesus. For us, this means that we keep things sim­ple. Acts 2:42 out­lines the mod­el of the ear­ly church: And they con­tin­ued stead­fast­ly in the apos­tles’ doc­trine and fel­low­ship, and in break­ing of bread, and in prayers.” We take this verse to heart and make sure that we con­form to this pat­tern in the var­i­ous ways we min­is­ter. We view the church as a refuge, a hos­pi­tal of sorts, where those who are lost, hurt­ing, or worn out feel wel­come. Our hope is that we all find the heal­ing and refresh­ment we need as we stick to the ear­ly church’s example.