Athey Podcasts

Our official Athey Creek podcasts are streamed on multiple platforms
to ensure that you can listen wherever you go.

Poster for Audio Podcast
Through the Bible Radio & Podcast

Through-the-Bible teaching with Pastor Brett Meador at Athey Creek Church.

Listen via:
  Apple   Google   Spotify Overcast
Poster for Prophecy Update Podcast
Prophecy Update Radio & Podcast

A review of current events and how they relate to Biblical prophecy and the End Times.

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Poster for Ironworks Audio Podcast
Ironworks Radio & Podcast

In Proverbs 27:17, we are reminded, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” Our desire is to see men grow in their personal walks with Jesus and be equipped to fulfill their God-given role in this life.

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Poster for Devoted Podcast
Devoted Podcast

The Devoted Podcast is part of the Women’s Ministry at Athey Creek Christian Fellowship. Join us as we discuss what it means to be a woman devoted to God and His Word today.

Listen via:
  Apple   Spotify

Pod­cast Instructions

Pod­casts allow you to stream, sub­scribe, and sync the audio con­tent you want to lis­ten to on any of your devices. Our offi­cial pod­cast is syn­di­cat­ed via Apple Pod­casts, Google Pod­casts, and Spo­ti­fy. Here are instruc­tions on your plat­form of choice.

Send an email to info@​atheycreek.​com if you have any ques­tions or need more help.

IOS or MacOS
  • Open or install Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
  • Search for "Athey Creek" to add our podcasts, or use the links above.
  • Stay up-to-date with our teachings on the go as soon as they release.
  • Open Google Podcasts, Spotify, or Pocket Casts.
  • Search for "Athey Creek" to add our podcasts, or use the links above.
  • Stay up-to-date with our teachings on the go, as soon as they release.


Lis­ten to Athey Creek’s Through-the-Bible teach­ings on local radio stations. 

True Talk 800 KPDQ-AM

Plus 106.3FM in East Port­land & Van­cou­ver, WA

8:30 AM weekdays

93.9 KPDQ-FM

6:30 AM & 10:00 PM weekdays

(All times Pacif­ic Standard)