Missionary Support

Join us in pray­ing for these mis­sion­ar­ies as they share and min­is­ter the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations.


Portrait image of Mike & Kelli Anderson
Mike & Kelli Anderson
The Anderson family serves in Peru at a South American Missions (SAM) base. They are learning the language, adapting to new roles, and learning the culture. Formerly, they served in Brazil.

Madras, Oregon

Portrait image of Brent & Lindsay Wright
Brent & Lindsay Wright
The Wright family currently serves in Madras and the surrounding towns, where Brent pastors a church. Originally, they were ministering inside the Warm Springs Indian Reservation – home of the Wasco, Piute, and Warm Springs tribes, but Covid restrictions caused them to pivot. The Lord has directed them to the Madras fairgrounds as a home for church services and a place to share God's love with the area.

Oth­er Missionaries

These mis­sion­ar­ies must remain anony­mous because of the coun­tries and cir­cum­stances in which they are serv­ing. Please keep in prayer:


Athey Creek part­ners with a fam­i­ly who has served in Cen­tral Asia for over a decade. They have used their busi­ness­es to fur­ther the gospel, lead Bible stud­ies, and share the love of Jesus. Please pray for oppor­tu­ni­ties to open for good dis­cus­sions, for their busi­ness­es to pro­vide a way to share the love of Jesus, and for a con­tin­u­al refresh­ing from the Lord as this is a spir­i­tu­al­ly dark region.

Mid­dle East

This mis­sion­ary has served in the Mid­dle East for many years as an Eng­lish teacher, but his ulti­mate focus is wit­ness­ing and shar­ing the love and light of Jesus. He uses his class­es as a way to ini­ti­ate con­ver­sa­tions about faith and form rela­tion­ships. Pray for oppor­tu­ni­ties to share the gospel, the rela­tion­ships he is devel­op­ing, and bless­ings over his work in this country.

Mid­dle East

We sup­port a new­ly mar­ried cou­ple serv­ing in an undis­closed area as they share the Good News of Jesus. They are part of a larg­er team whose min­istry is focused on evan­ge­lism and dis­ci­ple­ship with the goal of start­ing a church that will be con­tin­ued by the nation­als. Please pray for lan­guage, an under­stand­ing of the cul­ture, safe­ty, and provision.