
Join us for our week­ly services!

We offer both in-per­son and online gatherings.

Ser­vice Times

Sat­ur­day – 4pm, 6pm 
Sun­day – 8am, 10am, and 12pm
Sun­day – 6am — Online Only
Sun­day Night Wor­ship – 2nd & 4th Sun­day each month at 6pm 
Wednes­day Night Bible Study – 7pm
Book­store – Open 1 hour before and after services

ASL Inter­pre­ta­tion Information

We offer ASL inter­pre­ta­tion at our 6pm ser­vice, in-per­son only. If you would like to uti­lize this ser­vice, we have spe­cial seat­ing reserved. Feel free to vis­it the Info Table for more information.

What to Expect

Our ser­vices are sim­ple and casu­al. Acts 2:42 offers a clear descrip­tion of what the ear­ly church was like. It is our desire to fol­low this mod­el as close­ly as pos­si­ble. On Wednes­day nights, we meet at 7pm to study through the Bible, book-by-book, and the week­end teach­ings usu­al­ly high­light a par­tic­u­lar verse or sec­tion from the upcom­ing Wednes­day night study. 

If you plan to attend one of our ser­vices, you can expect the fol­low­ing: a casu­al attire and atmos­phere, noth­ing fan­cy; Bible study that is applic­a­ble to dai­ly liv­ing; earnest wor­ship that is uplift­ing and bib­li­­cal­­ly-based; a Kids Min­istry that pro­vides a safe envi­ron­ment where chil­dren can learn about Jesus; park­ing around our build­ing with atten­dants to help steer you to a spot. Chil­dren from ages 0 to 5th grade are encour­aged to go to their class­es pri­or to the service.



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Join us online at any of our services times listed above.

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