Rock CRM Assistant

Are you a schedule-and task-focused person? Do you enjoy helping others understand how best to utilize a database management system? Can you balance several different projects at once? Apply today for our Rock CRM Assistant position.


  • Agree to Athey Creek’s doc­tri­nal dis­tinc­tive and vision as found in our What We Believe/​Vision statement
  • Ful­fill the char­ac­ter qual­i­fi­ca­tions of a dea­con as taught in scripture
  • Have a strong work ethic
  • Be orga­nized, pre­pared, and able to fol­low through the sys­tem requirements
  • Sched­ule-and task-focused
  • Able to lead depart­ments to main­tain, devel­op, and deploy ACC’s Rock data­base systems
  • Quick learn­er, hard­work­ing, and adaptable

Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Par­tic­i­pate in week­ly staff meetings
  • Be ACC’s sub­ject mat­ter expert (SME) for the Rock Rela­tion­ship Man­age­ment Sys­tem (RMS) database
  • Help over­see the usage and appli­ca­tion of Rock RMS to ensure con­sis­ten­cy and accuracy
  • Main­tain, devel­op, and imple­ment var­i­ous fea­tures with­in Rock RMS across ACC departments
  • Col­lab­o­rate with stake­hold­ers to help imple­ment solu­tions using data views, reports, dash­boards, work­flows, and oth­er var­i­ous tools with­in Rock RMS
  • Estab­lish and rein­force ACC’s data pol­i­cy and pro­ce­dures while pro­vid­ing solu­tions for staff to min­i­mize forms, spread­sheets, and oth­er data­bas­es out­side of Rock
  • Assist staff in under­stand­ing Rock RMS func­tion­al­i­ty, along with help­ing to main­tain accu­rate data regard­ing tasks like giv­ing, event reg­is­tra­tion, sched­ul­ing, and check-in
  • All oth­er duties as assigned



