Administrative Assistant

Are you a dynamic multitasker with impeccable organizational skills? Do you enjoy working on a team maintaining projects and calendars? Consider applying to be our Administrative Assistant!


  • Agree to Athey Creek’s doc­tri­nal dis­tinc­tive and vision as found in our What We Believe/​Vision Statement
  • Ful­fill the char­ac­ter qual­i­fi­ca­tions of a dea­con as taught in scripture
  • Excel­lent writ­ing, edit­ing, gram­mar, and ver­bal com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills
  • 5+ years of office assis­tant work experience
  • Excel­lent Mac-based sys­tems, Microsoft Office Suite, and Google Dri­ve skills
  • Be self-direc­t­ed, able to lead oth­ers, and man­age projects
  • Sched­ule- and task-focused; able to pri­or­i­tize and com­plete duties using track­ing soft­ware, lists, etc.
  • Quick learn­er, self-ini­­ti­a­­tor, hard­work­ing, well-orga­nized, adapt­able, and healthy assertiveness
  • Strong orga­ni­za­tion­al and pro­fi­cient mul­ti­task­ing skills
  • Abil­i­ty to pri­or­i­tize, man­age mul­ti­ple tasks, and deliv­er results under tight deadlines

Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Pro­vide the Min­istry Direc­tor with dai­ly admin­is­tra­tive support
  • Par­tic­i­pate in week­ly staff meetings
  • Man­age mul­ti­ple tasks, ensur­ing they are deliv­ered on time and with excellence
  • Col­lab­o­rate with team mem­bers as nec­es­sary to ensure the suc­cess­ful out­come of tasks
  • Pre­pare for meet­ings, take meet­ing min­utes as need­ed, and cre­ate pre­sen­ta­tions and spreadsheets 
  • Per­form research and project man­age­ment for a vari­ety of strate­gic projects 
  • Assist with expense/​budget track­ing and reimbursements 
  • Assist with the department’s cal­en­dar and admin­is­tra­tive needs, includ­ing man­ag­ing the director’s cal­en­dar appoint­ments and sched­ul­ing meetings
  • All oth­er duties as assigned


Tues­day-Sun­day, includ­ing some week­ends and evenings

