Frequently Asked Questions


We stream all of our main, through-the-Bible stud­ies every week at live​.ath​ey​creek​.com. All of our past teach­ings are also avail­able for you to enjoy on our teach­ings page.

Use the link above or the red LIVE ban­ner in the top nav­i­ga­tion when we are livestream­ing. We’ve answered some com­mon ques­tions below about livestream­ing and our con­tent sched­ule, as well as tech­ni­cal troubleshooting.

Where can I find the livestream video of your services?

You can navigate to or click the red ​LIVE but­ton in the top menu of our web­site (shown only when we are broad­cast­ing live).

Which ser­vices do you stream?

We stream all of our main, through-the-Bible studies:

  • Wednes­days — 7pm
  • Sat­ur­days — 4pm and 6pm
  • Sun­days — 8am, 10am, and 12pm
  • Sun­days — 6am - Online Only
We missed a service; is there a way we can still watch it?

All of our teach­ings are avail­able online. Go to the teachings page to see all of our cur­rent and past teachings.

We start­ed watch­ing a lit­tle late; can we rewind the livestream?

Yes! One of the coolest fea­tures of our broad­cast allows you to rewind a live ser­vice. Sim­ply use the progress bar at the bot­tom of the video to click-and-drag to the desired point. To go back to ​LIVE, click-and-drag the progress bar all the way to the right.

What should my first response be to any tech­ni­cal issue?

Three great steps to try to resolve any tech issues are:

  1. Refresh the page.
  2. Dou­ble-check your inter­net connection.
  3. Try using a dif­fer­ent web browser.
What does ​“refresh­ing” a page mean and how do I do it?

To ​refresh a web page means to load it again. You can do this by press­ing the ⌘ + R (on macOS) or F5 (on Windows/Linux) but­ton(s) on your key­board or by click­ing the reload icon () at the top of your web browser.

Which web brows­er should I use?

We rec­om­mend using the most updat­ed ver­sion of Safari (on macOS), Google Chrome, or Firefox.

What can I do to pre­vent tech­ni­cal issues?

Make sure your com­put­er’s oper­at­ing sys­tem and your web brows­er and plug-ins are up-to-date. Check out these links to ver­i­fy that you have the lat­est version:

The video I am watch­ing is ​fuzzy, blurry, or low-quality. How can I fix this?

This usu­al­ly has to do with your Inter­net bandwidth/​connection. Some­times Inter­net speeds can drop at cer­tain times of the day due to an increase in Inter­net traf­fic in your area. For a good expe­ri­ence, we rec­om­mend at least 10-20Mbps. You can check your Internet speed here. Our video play­er should auto­mat­i­cal­ly reduce resolution/​quality accord­ing to your Inter­net con­nec­tion. This helps the video play as smoothly as possible, with­out stop­ping. You can force the video to play at a spe­cif­ic res­o­lu­tion (either high­er or low­er) by click­ing the gear icon in the bot­tom-right of the video player.

We start­ed the livestream, came back to watch it lat­er, and it seems to be delayed/too far behind. How can I get back to where I am watch­ing it live?

If you go away from the live video, the video play­er will some­times pause to help make sure you don’t miss any­thing. You can get back to watch­ing live by refresh­ing the web page (see above), or by tak­ing the progress bar on the video and drag­ging it all the way to the right to the most cur­rent time. (See “We start­ed watch­ing a lit­tle late; can we rewind the livestream?” above.)

What should I do if the video stops?

Try refresh­ing the page. In some cas­es, you may need to click on the video play­er (or play but­ton) to restart the video.

Why do I get a mes­sage about my audio being muted?

Web browsers are start­ing to clamp down on con­tent that auto­plays with audio. To get around this and help with your expe­ri­ence, our video play­er will auto­play the livestream (mak­ing sure you are as cur­rent in the livestream as pos­si­ble), but will mute the audio to get around this web brows­er pro­to­col. Sim­ply click on the mes­sage, or unmute the audio in the bot­tom-right of the video play­er to watch with sound.

Why are there pre-recorded videos playing on the livestream page?

We stream all of our main ser­vices live. (See “What ser­vices do you stream?” above.) When we do not have any ser­vices hap­pen­ing, we have put up some fun videos for you to enjoy. The video play­er will auto­mat­i­cal­ly switch to the livestream when we get clos­er to the ser­vice time (usu­al­ly 15 min­utes before each ser­vice).

Gen­er­al Questions

When is the church office open?

We are available by phone Monday to Friday, 9-5pm. Our office is open Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 9-5pm. For specific contact information, or to get in touch with us, use the link below.

How do I join the Worship Team?

Please take a moment to watch the intro video, as well as the corresponding videos for each instrument you plan to audition for. Once you’ve had a chance to do that, fill out the form below, and submit your audition video by using the link in the form. We will contact you within two weeks of receiving your form and video.

How do I start volunteering?

The link below will take you to our Volunteer page on our website. There you can learn about the many opportunities to serve at Athey Creek, as well as fill out our form to begin the process to become a volunteer!

How can I set up a counseling appointment with a pastor?

You can fill out the biblical counsel request form on our Pastoral Care page.

How do I set up a counseling appointment with the Women's Ministry?

To meet with someone on our Women's Ministry counseling team, please fill out the biblical counsel request form on our Pastoral Care page.

How can I schedule premarital counseling?

The links on our Wedding page will provide you with helpful information regarding Athey Creek weddings. You can learn more about premarital counseling, building usage, and many other essential details as you move forward with your wedding plans.

How do I sign up for a baby dedication?

To get started, visit the Baby Dedications page and fill out the form to have one of our staff members contact you.

Where can I find Bible teachings?

You can find Pastor Brett’s teachings on our Teachings page. If you are looking for a specific teaching, you can use the search bar in the menu to search by book, date, or topic.

How do I find the most recent Women's study?

You can visit our Athey Women's Ministry page to view our archive of Women's teachings.

Are there any events coming up soon?

To stay up-to-date on all the events at Athey Creek, visit our Events page.

I have an unanswered question!

If there's a topic we haven't addressed and you still need help, please reach out.